Monday, September 22

Bob's Google (Blogspot) is Moving!

Hi Everyone,

Things have been running hot and heavy over at  The liberals are stoking up the fires of crude, obsessive behavior.  It is absolutely amazing that such filthy comments can be seen on the Digg website.  I guess Freedom of Speech is really at work.  LOL

But no fear, I have "thick skin" and I get a lot of joy out of poking fun at these liberal loonies.

To facilitate my blog postings I have installed new software on my domain:

So far things are running smoothly and yesterday I switched most of the Blogspot postings to the SeeingRight domain.  Please be patient as I will have bugs from time to time with the software.

Hope you enjoy the postings.  Stay tuned and thanks so much for reading.

Please GO here to my new BLOG Website.



Thursday, September 18

Barry's Sermon on the Mount

Hello and welcome.   The last few days have been a real "hoot."   It has been exciting on Digg.  I simply didn't realize there were so many conservatives out there.  Digg is notorious for being liberal, but I think our efforts will help curb that in the next few weeks and months. Thanks to all of you giving the liberals a run for their money!

Today, I have a very serious issue I would like to share with you.  I like to make fun of things on Digg but this video is not about making fun.  It is NOT laughable, it is NOT cute, it is NOT a liberal smear.  It is about Barry Obama making a mockery out of the Bible and the Lord.  In my opinion it simply shows the man's true colors.  He claims to be a Christian.  He claims to respect the rights of others. He claims to be a leader.  He claims to be a lot of things but this video makes a final statement in my book.   This video is about Obama (a mere mortal) taking the Lord's name in vain and showing the rest of us how arrogant he really is.  Yes, I mean that with all my heart. Everyone in this world is born with a choice.  You can follow in the footsteps of the Lord or you can go in the oposite direction.  It is the difference between night and day,  good and evil.  There are NO gray areas.  I apologize for being so blunt, but the truth is the truth.  You can paint the picture anyway you like but in the end the truth always prevails.

Watch the video.  If you are spiritually linked to God you will immediately see the "truth" about Mr. Obama.

Look into the man's eyes as he speaks, especially where he ends his little "Sermon on the Mount" statement with "application."  Tell me that I am a liar, but this man bares his soul right at that moment.

Please share this with all your friends and fans on Digg.  This is important stuff.  It is not about getting "brownie" points.  It is not about being the coolest "Digger" in town.  It is about spreading the truth.

Thanks for stopping by..

God Bless,


Wednesday, September 17

You need to DIGG to have FUN!

Wow, I found and it has been more fun than a barrel of monkeys.  Now a word of caution, if you are conservative in your thinking then Digg may not suit your tastes.  It is just loaded with liberal posts and comments.  But for me this is so much fun.  You get to poke fun of these looney-tunes and in turn put a smile on your face.

Here is a good example:

Palin Met by Hundreds of Protestors in Anchorage

So I waddle in and make a few positive  comments.  Boom, I get the royal welcome.  I mean it is hilarious.  These guys and gals must eat "hate" muffins for breakfast.  How many negative diggs can you get in one day?  I don't know I lost count.  LOL

Here is how it all started:

duschilli:  "Vote Obama unless you want 4 more years of misery. Fuck the Republicans and the GOP! She should go back to hunting moose from a helicopter and leave American alone - we have enough problems as is!"

my comment: "While the liberals are busy whining and complaining (and using profanity) the conservatives are silently getting the job done. LOL"

flameboy: "While conservatives are whining and complaining about bullshit such as profanity, violence, rap lyrics, and sex education, liberals are actually drafting economic plans, foreign policy plans, and energy plans. LOL
(you're an idiot)"

Well, at first I took offense to all of this.  Then I realized these people have really "thin" skins.  I mean if you say anything bad about them they come totally unglued.  I got to thinking.  This can really be a lot of fun and a good way to get a positive message across.  Nothing sells better than negative advertising, right?

Here is what I recommend if you want to have fun on Digg:

First off, find a little support.  You can go here:

Finding Conservatives on Digg

Next, you should learn the art of making "feather ruffling" comments that just make the liberal crowd simply adore you. (smile) It is so much fun and it gets YOUR message across.

Here is an example of what I use sometimes:

"Hey, you certainly got my attention.  I think I might be leaning the other way.  Yes, I am changing my vote."  


You will be surprised how much attention you get and how much fun you will have.  So in closing, learn to poke fun of these loonies.  THEY CANNOT STAND IT. I mean they really CANNOT stand it.

Here is my Digg site by the way:

Please stop by and let me know what's up with you.  Send me your links and comments.  I will be happy to wade in with a supporting comment.

God Bless,


The Fluster over Lehman Brothers and AIG.

Recently I was visiting  I get a kick out of this website.  It is horribly liberal in its readership, but it is still fun to read some of the comments (even the lame ones).

Anyway, I stumbled across a post by a Scott who said, " Just wait until Washington Mutual fails. They are going to be the next big bank to either get a Fed loan, bought out, or enter into FDIC receivership. I think when this happens it will have a greater psychological effect on Main Street b/c more "average Americans" do business with WaMu than with Merrill or Lehman Brothers."

This was my reply:

Scott, you make some good points. but here is the real underlying problem. The Government should NOT bail these companies out. The free market needs to prevail. As the Government continues to cover the failures of institutions that used Government credit to grow, the cost of doing business only gets higher for the taxpayer. There will come a time when we (the taxpayers) simply cannot pay the bill. Inflation, loss of jobs, oil shortages, and economy problems are the result of huge Government spending programs that were built on credit. Government needs to become lean and mean. If Obama can do that then I will vote for him.. but let's get real, that is NOT what Obama or the Democrats represent. They believe in socialism, bigger government, and more spending programs. That's how they stay in power. And please, don't tell me this election is about who looks, sounds, or feels better. That is BS. This election is about getting control of Government that is out of control. It means getting back to the basics of reducing government spending so that businesses can grow, costs can come down, and the people can prosper.


Monday, September 15

I love my Liberal friends!

I hope I can indulge myself a little here.  Over the years (as a seller of Topsax products) I have met some incredible people. Many of them are liberal thinking in their views.  I don't hold that against them.  America is a great Nation because of its Freedom of Speech.  If you were to say things bad about the President in China you may get hung from the nearest tree.  Yet in America we can criticize all we want without fear of reprisal.

But I also feel some of the liberal expressions today really go too far.  I see a lot of "anger, profanity, and humiliation" in the liberal press and blogs today.  I ask myself why is this so? Making a liberal point in writing does not mean you should be cruel and indecent in the process.

In closing, my blog is something I use to express my conservative views.  It is nothing more.  It has nothing to do with the way I conduct my life which is to respect my customers and friends regardless of their liberal or conservative views.  I may not always agree with what you have to say but I will certainly defend your right to say it.. without the anger and profanity, PLEASE!

Thanks for stopping by..

God Bless,


Friday, September 12

Dear Mr. Obama.. (Not Paid for by McCain)

Hi Folks,

Yesterday was September 11 in the United States. I just read a great article on Rush Limbaugh. He started his program with these words: "This is the seventh anniversary of the terror attacks on September 11th of 2001. Everybody says you shouldn't politicize this day." Then he went on to speak in great detail on how the Democratic Left does their best to politicize this tragedy. Their theme of gloom and doom has been constant. They try and convince you that President Bush has done nothing to protect Americans by telling you his administration is weak and ineffective. Nothing could be further from the truth.

In fact, the truth is this: since 9/11 there has not been a single terrorist attack on American soil. We are now winning the war in Iraq. America is continuing to stand strong against the extremists and countries that wish to bury us simply because we represent Truth and Freedom.

Now I realize some of you may not share my views and that is fine. Being an American gives you the right to express your views without fear and reprisal. Many Americans have fought and died protecting those sacred rights. Freedom is certainly not FREE!

Below is a YouTube video done by a young man that fought in Iraq. He makes me so proud to be an American. Do yourself a favor and listen to what this American has to say. It is probably not what you are expecting to hear. As the Democratic Left would say, "all American soldiers are just murderers and rapists."

Video Title and Link: DEAR MR. OBAMA

September 11 is a very important day to all Americans.. Please respect this day by remembering the men, women, and children who lost their lives in this horrible tragedy. Your respect shows sincerity and dignity.

Thanks and God Bless,

Bob Campbell

Still the best quote of the day: "While the liberals are busy complaining, the conservatives are silently getting the job done." Bob C.

Sunday, September 7

Gee, this is FUN.. I like talking a little about Politics!

Yes, I know I am supposed to be talking about saxophones but this is just too much fun. It has been a really long time since conservatives have had the opportunity to get excited about a political campaign.

Rush Limbaugh is calling John McCain "Mc BRILLIANT." What a big change from just a few weeks ago? I really believe McCain made an incredible choice in Governor Palin. She is the "spark" that was needed to ignite the silent majority. I think the liberals are in a state of shock. They don't know what to do with Sarah Palin.

Anyway, I don't normally read the liberal press like Yahoo but they honestly did a nice job including the AP article about Palin and McCain. My hat is off to them. I love Yahoo and now I am even warming up to their news. Here's the article by Associated Press:

McCain-Palin becoming Palin-McCain?

Thanks for stopping by,
Bob Campbell

Friday, August 29

I am so EXCITED! McCain hits a BIG TIME homerun with VP pick.

Hello Everyone,

Thanks or stopping by. Well, if you are liberal, conservative, independent, moderate, or whatever you cannot fault Senator McCain today. I am so excited about his VP pick. Sarah Palin is just a wonderful person, certainly much better than the "politics as usual" crowd deserves. This is one smart lady. She is also a perfect choice for the Republican base which has been dying for some conservative infusion.

I could spend much time trying to convey the story behind the Alaska Governor, but I have a better suggestion, read the following web page. Sarah Palin just gave her acceptance speech. It is a doooo-sey! Simply Great!

Alaska Governor Sarah Palin accepts VP position.

Once you have read her speech you will see exactly what I am talking about. This lady is intelligent, bright, tough, and cool! Heck, I am ready to vote for her as the NEXT President of the United States, right after President John McCain of course.

Take Care,

Saturday, August 23

Ooops! I just have to say something juicy about Obama's VP choice.

Well, I have been sitting all week listening to politics in the United States. I don't normally comment on such things, but this is just too good to pass on.

OBAMA picks Biden as VP pick!

LOL: What a joke! I know Obama has issues but this time I really see a lack of experience when making rational decisions. I mean give me a break. The Democrats are preaching such CHANGE. Yet Biden represents one of the oldest dogs in the Democratic arsenal. For 35 years Biden has preached hard-line liberalism. Two times he has run for President where he received some of lowest vote percentages possible. The truth be known, Obama (and Pelosi) really dumped on Clinton. I was really worried about a possible Obama/Clinton ticket.

But now I am so happy. I feel Obama made a big mistake. I will bet a lot of the Clinton voters and Independents feel the same way. Many of them just fell off the fence. They will now vote for McCain.

Things are looking up. My business has been very good the last 4-years because of low taxes and a stable economy. I would like things to stay that way.

Just MY opinion!

Thanks for stopping by,
Bob Campbell

Monday, August 18

Topsax News Flash, Thailand is in our future!

I had the recent pleasure of meeting a young man in Thailand. He is very interested in representing the Topsax(tm) Legend products there. His name is Erich. He is an American that has lived in Thailand for the past 8 years. As time allows I will share more information about Erich.

The interesting point he made is that "Paul Mariat" is a well accepted name in Thailand. Well that is good news for the Legend. The Mariat saxophone is actually a copy from the original molds developed by our parent factory in Taiwan. Now the Mariat folks well tell you different stories but the truth is we started making saxophones in Taiwan over 45 years ago. We later moved the parent factory to China but still maintain one of the largest Trading Partners in Taiwan.

Anyway, we are going to introduce the Legend into Thailand. It is going to be interesting when someone says, "this horn looks like the Paul Mariat." We are going to respond: "No, the Paul Mariat looks like the Legend Series IV." After all we started offering the DOUBLE ARMS option about 5 years ago. I think Mariat introduced their Double Arms model about 2 years ago. The Legend has had the Reference 54 "Patina Matte" finish for almost 5 years now. Now I think every Taiwan factory (including Mariat) is offering some type of matte finish.

I can't wait to get the very first Legend Alto into Thailand. If everything goes well I will be shipping this horn in about 4 to 5 days.

Now, you have the latest Topsax news!

Interesting tidbit for the day: China at first glance seems to be a young nation. I see young people everywhere (unlike the United States). But the interesting fact is that China has a huge social issue brewing. They have the largest population in the world that will be reaching retirement age within the next couple of decades. Certainly is fruit for thought. Bob C.

Sunday, August 17

This is CRAZY Soprano Week!

This past week was crazy on eBay. I rarely list Sopranos on eBay just because I don't normally get a lot of surplus (soprano) stock from the factory. I do sell a lot of custom order Sopranos however.

Anyway, I had (2) really nice Series IV Sopranos I listed on eBay. They didn't last 3 days. I guess I need to get more sopranos ordered for my eBay sales. LOL

Many thanks to Jean Gram in Illinois (an old customer) that wanted a Soprano for her son who already owns a Topsax Alto. A brand new customer arrived on the scene from Tennessee. His name is Johnnie Fritts. He purchased the other Series IV Soprano. Thanks John for your business. Both customers should have their saxophones in a couple of days.

And finally, my good friend Karel in Belgium has been patiently waiting for me to finish up a Gold Plated Saxello. It will ship tomorrow. Super, Super nice saxophone.. ALL the bells and whistles. Thanks Karel.

Okay, enough! But that's why I named this article "Crazy Soprano Week."

My Maiden Voyage on Blogspot

This is my first blog. I am hoping to make this fun and enjoyable for everyone. I like to write. Being able to communicate with people has served me well over the years. Email is King in my business. SKYPE is even better.

I live 10,000 miles away from most USA folks that buy my saxophones, but every sale seems like a delivery next door. The age of the Internet is here. With eBay, PayPal, and the Web anything is possible.

Don't forget DHL Express and the United States Post Office. Most of my saxophones are shipped direct from the factory by DHL. Service is FAST and smooth (usually 3 to 4 days). Many of my accessory items are shipped from my USA location by USPS Priority or Express Mail.

I have lots more to tell you but lets save more for the next post.

Quote for the day: "While the liberals are busy complaining, the conservatives are silently getting the job done." Bob C.