Wednesday, September 17

You need to DIGG to have FUN!

Wow, I found and it has been more fun than a barrel of monkeys.  Now a word of caution, if you are conservative in your thinking then Digg may not suit your tastes.  It is just loaded with liberal posts and comments.  But for me this is so much fun.  You get to poke fun of these looney-tunes and in turn put a smile on your face.

Here is a good example:

Palin Met by Hundreds of Protestors in Anchorage

So I waddle in and make a few positive  comments.  Boom, I get the royal welcome.  I mean it is hilarious.  These guys and gals must eat "hate" muffins for breakfast.  How many negative diggs can you get in one day?  I don't know I lost count.  LOL

Here is how it all started:

duschilli:  "Vote Obama unless you want 4 more years of misery. Fuck the Republicans and the GOP! She should go back to hunting moose from a helicopter and leave American alone - we have enough problems as is!"

my comment: "While the liberals are busy whining and complaining (and using profanity) the conservatives are silently getting the job done. LOL"

flameboy: "While conservatives are whining and complaining about bullshit such as profanity, violence, rap lyrics, and sex education, liberals are actually drafting economic plans, foreign policy plans, and energy plans. LOL
(you're an idiot)"

Well, at first I took offense to all of this.  Then I realized these people have really "thin" skins.  I mean if you say anything bad about them they come totally unglued.  I got to thinking.  This can really be a lot of fun and a good way to get a positive message across.  Nothing sells better than negative advertising, right?

Here is what I recommend if you want to have fun on Digg:

First off, find a little support.  You can go here:

Finding Conservatives on Digg

Next, you should learn the art of making "feather ruffling" comments that just make the liberal crowd simply adore you. (smile) It is so much fun and it gets YOUR message across.

Here is an example of what I use sometimes:

"Hey, you certainly got my attention.  I think I might be leaning the other way.  Yes, I am changing my vote."  


You will be surprised how much attention you get and how much fun you will have.  So in closing, learn to poke fun of these loonies.  THEY CANNOT STAND IT. I mean they really CANNOT stand it.

Here is my Digg site by the way:

Please stop by and let me know what's up with you.  Send me your links and comments.  I will be happy to wade in with a supporting comment.

God Bless,


1 comment:

American Angle said...

Thanks for the unity Bob. We have a bumpy road to the election. I like the idea of handling the radicals with humor...logic and common sense is certainly beyond them, might as well have some fun.

Digg baby Digg!