Thursday, September 18

Barry's Sermon on the Mount

Hello and welcome.   The last few days have been a real "hoot."   It has been exciting on Digg.  I simply didn't realize there were so many conservatives out there.  Digg is notorious for being liberal, but I think our efforts will help curb that in the next few weeks and months. Thanks to all of you giving the liberals a run for their money!

Today, I have a very serious issue I would like to share with you.  I like to make fun of things on Digg but this video is not about making fun.  It is NOT laughable, it is NOT cute, it is NOT a liberal smear.  It is about Barry Obama making a mockery out of the Bible and the Lord.  In my opinion it simply shows the man's true colors.  He claims to be a Christian.  He claims to respect the rights of others. He claims to be a leader.  He claims to be a lot of things but this video makes a final statement in my book.   This video is about Obama (a mere mortal) taking the Lord's name in vain and showing the rest of us how arrogant he really is.  Yes, I mean that with all my heart. Everyone in this world is born with a choice.  You can follow in the footsteps of the Lord or you can go in the oposite direction.  It is the difference between night and day,  good and evil.  There are NO gray areas.  I apologize for being so blunt, but the truth is the truth.  You can paint the picture anyway you like but in the end the truth always prevails.

Watch the video.  If you are spiritually linked to God you will immediately see the "truth" about Mr. Obama.

Look into the man's eyes as he speaks, especially where he ends his little "Sermon on the Mount" statement with "application."  Tell me that I am a liar, but this man bares his soul right at that moment.

Please share this with all your friends and fans on Digg.  This is important stuff.  It is not about getting "brownie" points.  It is not about being the coolest "Digger" in town.  It is about spreading the truth.

Thanks for stopping by..

God Bless,



American Angle said...

I find it insulting that this man calls himself a Christian.

Glad you see this charlatan[Obama] for what he is, Bob.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this blog. I hadn't seen this bit of film before, and it is truly chilling to think that so many Americans act as though they LOVE this person ..... sorry, I have become unable to even speak his name....I am repulsed at his name, the sound of his voice, and his appearance, but mostly by what he represents. He apparently detests all that I value. He detests all that most patriots value, and the scarey part is that so many of them do not KNOW anything useful about him. All many know is that he is Democrat and that's good enough. We are fighting an uphill battle, one that should have been fought more forcefully in the'60's when it was getting a good toe-hold in our great land. The cancer has grown so much now that I'm not sure simple eradication can be done. My pastor says what will make this country better is a nation-wide revival. Could we all take a few minutes from our schedules every day to pray for this nation to regain its health, while at the same time asking God to show us how we might best enable this miracle to occur? We need prayer, but we also need action. With you all the way, sir. God bless.