Friday, August 29

I am so EXCITED! McCain hits a BIG TIME homerun with VP pick.

Hello Everyone,

Thanks or stopping by. Well, if you are liberal, conservative, independent, moderate, or whatever you cannot fault Senator McCain today. I am so excited about his VP pick. Sarah Palin is just a wonderful person, certainly much better than the "politics as usual" crowd deserves. This is one smart lady. She is also a perfect choice for the Republican base which has been dying for some conservative infusion.

I could spend much time trying to convey the story behind the Alaska Governor, but I have a better suggestion, read the following web page. Sarah Palin just gave her acceptance speech. It is a doooo-sey! Simply Great!

Alaska Governor Sarah Palin accepts VP position.

Once you have read her speech you will see exactly what I am talking about. This lady is intelligent, bright, tough, and cool! Heck, I am ready to vote for her as the NEXT President of the United States, right after President John McCain of course.

Take Care,

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