Sunday, September 7

Gee, this is FUN.. I like talking a little about Politics!

Yes, I know I am supposed to be talking about saxophones but this is just too much fun. It has been a really long time since conservatives have had the opportunity to get excited about a political campaign.

Rush Limbaugh is calling John McCain "Mc BRILLIANT." What a big change from just a few weeks ago? I really believe McCain made an incredible choice in Governor Palin. She is the "spark" that was needed to ignite the silent majority. I think the liberals are in a state of shock. They don't know what to do with Sarah Palin.

Anyway, I don't normally read the liberal press like Yahoo but they honestly did a nice job including the AP article about Palin and McCain. My hat is off to them. I love Yahoo and now I am even warming up to their news. Here's the article by Associated Press:

McCain-Palin becoming Palin-McCain?

Thanks for stopping by,
Bob Campbell

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