Friday, September 12

Dear Mr. Obama.. (Not Paid for by McCain)

Hi Folks,

Yesterday was September 11 in the United States. I just read a great article on Rush Limbaugh. He started his program with these words: "This is the seventh anniversary of the terror attacks on September 11th of 2001. Everybody says you shouldn't politicize this day." Then he went on to speak in great detail on how the Democratic Left does their best to politicize this tragedy. Their theme of gloom and doom has been constant. They try and convince you that President Bush has done nothing to protect Americans by telling you his administration is weak and ineffective. Nothing could be further from the truth.

In fact, the truth is this: since 9/11 there has not been a single terrorist attack on American soil. We are now winning the war in Iraq. America is continuing to stand strong against the extremists and countries that wish to bury us simply because we represent Truth and Freedom.

Now I realize some of you may not share my views and that is fine. Being an American gives you the right to express your views without fear and reprisal. Many Americans have fought and died protecting those sacred rights. Freedom is certainly not FREE!

Below is a YouTube video done by a young man that fought in Iraq. He makes me so proud to be an American. Do yourself a favor and listen to what this American has to say. It is probably not what you are expecting to hear. As the Democratic Left would say, "all American soldiers are just murderers and rapists."

Video Title and Link: DEAR MR. OBAMA

September 11 is a very important day to all Americans.. Please respect this day by remembering the men, women, and children who lost their lives in this horrible tragedy. Your respect shows sincerity and dignity.

Thanks and God Bless,

Bob Campbell

Still the best quote of the day: "While the liberals are busy complaining, the conservatives are silently getting the job done." Bob C.

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