Monday, September 15

I love my Liberal friends!

I hope I can indulge myself a little here.  Over the years (as a seller of Topsax products) I have met some incredible people. Many of them are liberal thinking in their views.  I don't hold that against them.  America is a great Nation because of its Freedom of Speech.  If you were to say things bad about the President in China you may get hung from the nearest tree.  Yet in America we can criticize all we want without fear of reprisal.

But I also feel some of the liberal expressions today really go too far.  I see a lot of "anger, profanity, and humiliation" in the liberal press and blogs today.  I ask myself why is this so? Making a liberal point in writing does not mean you should be cruel and indecent in the process.

In closing, my blog is something I use to express my conservative views.  It is nothing more.  It has nothing to do with the way I conduct my life which is to respect my customers and friends regardless of their liberal or conservative views.  I may not always agree with what you have to say but I will certainly defend your right to say it.. without the anger and profanity, PLEASE!

Thanks for stopping by..

God Bless,


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