Monday, September 22

Bob's Google (Blogspot) is Moving!

Hi Everyone,

Things have been running hot and heavy over at  The liberals are stoking up the fires of crude, obsessive behavior.  It is absolutely amazing that such filthy comments can be seen on the Digg website.  I guess Freedom of Speech is really at work.  LOL

But no fear, I have "thick skin" and I get a lot of joy out of poking fun at these liberal loonies.

To facilitate my blog postings I have installed new software on my domain:

So far things are running smoothly and yesterday I switched most of the Blogspot postings to the SeeingRight domain.  Please be patient as I will have bugs from time to time with the software.

Hope you enjoy the postings.  Stay tuned and thanks so much for reading.

Please GO here to my new BLOG Website.



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