Saturday, August 23

Ooops! I just have to say something juicy about Obama's VP choice.

Well, I have been sitting all week listening to politics in the United States. I don't normally comment on such things, but this is just too good to pass on.

OBAMA picks Biden as VP pick!

LOL: What a joke! I know Obama has issues but this time I really see a lack of experience when making rational decisions. I mean give me a break. The Democrats are preaching such CHANGE. Yet Biden represents one of the oldest dogs in the Democratic arsenal. For 35 years Biden has preached hard-line liberalism. Two times he has run for President where he received some of lowest vote percentages possible. The truth be known, Obama (and Pelosi) really dumped on Clinton. I was really worried about a possible Obama/Clinton ticket.

But now I am so happy. I feel Obama made a big mistake. I will bet a lot of the Clinton voters and Independents feel the same way. Many of them just fell off the fence. They will now vote for McCain.

Things are looking up. My business has been very good the last 4-years because of low taxes and a stable economy. I would like things to stay that way.

Just MY opinion!

Thanks for stopping by,
Bob Campbell

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